For Staff For Staff
For student For student
For alumni For alumni

All staff, students and qualified retirees are entitled to a University email account which is hosted by Microsoft Office 365 (O365).  Separate domain names ‘’, ‘’ and ‘’ are created for staff, students and retirees respectively.  For alumni, please click here for details.



For qualified retirees, they will continue to enjoy the email service upon their retirement but under a different domain “”.  For details on eligibility, please inquire with the Human Resources Office.

In HKBU, email filtering service is available to staff and departments email accounts.  All email messages reaching HKBU email system will go through a spam email filtering process before being delivered to users’ mailboxes.

When suspicious spam messages are detected by the system, they will be quarantined and notification email will be sent to individual users about the quarantined messages.  In addition, HKBU staff and Departments/Offices may set up their own spam filters.  For details, please refer to the Email Anti-Spamming System User Guide.

Email accounts for all staff, students and departments have already been automatically created.  There are occasions where departments / staff may require additional accounts to facilitate their educational collaboration or legitimate business with the University.  For such, special email accounts may be requested by departments/offices for the following purposes:

  • Research centre / institution
  • University event / activity / conference / consultation session / forum
  • Academic project
  • Staff recruited and stationed in PRC / HKBU affiliates
  • New academic programme / concentration
  • Special committee / functional body

Guideline for Email Account Creation:

  1. All accounts should be provided on a need basis;
  2. Allow sufficient lead time for account processing;
  3. Proper justification is expected;
  4. Multiple accounts should not be requested for a particular identity for different operating functions, e.g. different email accounts for different kinds of email topics;
  5. An application should be authorized by the Dean of Faculty/School, Director of Centre/Programme or Head of Department/Office;
  6. All accounts created upon request will have a validity period of no more than 3 years for which subsequent extension may be requested if needed.

Email accounts for all staff, students and departments have already been automatically created.  There are occasions where departments / staff may require additional accounts to facilitate their educational collaboration or legitimate business with the University.  For such, special email accounts may be requested by departments/offices for the following purposes:

  • Research centre / institution
  • University event / activity / conference / consultation session / forum
  • Academic project
  • Staff recruited and stationed in PRC / HKBU affiliates
  • New academic programme / concentration
  • Special committee / functional body


Guideline for Email Account Creation:

  1. All accounts should be provided on a need basis;

  2. All accounts once created, the naming convention of email account name cannot be changed;

  3. Allow sufficient lead time for account processing;

  4. Proper justification is expected;

  5. Multiple accounts should not be requested for a particular identity for different operating functions, e.g. different email accounts for different kinds of email topics;

  6. An application should be authorized by the Dean of Faculty/School, Director of Centre/Programme or Head of Department/Office;

  7. All accounts created upon request will have a validity period of no more than 3 years for which subsequent extension may be requested if needed.

Users should refrain from sending bulk emails.  Where possible, users should first consider disseminating information to the University community through the e-Announcement channel.  Users may use their application system (e.g. SIS) to send out bulk emails at their discretion, if such function is available.

Approval must be obtained from P/VC, Provost, VPs, Associate VPs, Deans, Director of AVA, or Heads of Administrative Offices for mass email delivery by ITO to all staff and/or all students according to the requirements below:

Mass Mail Recipients


Cutoff Time*

Delivery Time*

P/VC, Provost, VPs or Associate VPs



All staff and/or all students

Dept, Faculty, School, Centre: Deans or Director of AVA

Admin Offices: Head


After 19:00

Recipients with email addresses provided

Dept, Faculty, School, Centre: Deans or Director of AVA
Admin Offices: Head


After 19:00

*Mon – Fri except public holidays


Please make sure these guidelines are complied with before a request is submitted using the Mass Mail Distribution Request Form.


IMPORTANT: According to the GUIDELINES FOR USAGE OF INFORMATION RESOURCES, university members should never send abusive emails or attachments, even if they are responding to an email of a similar nature. This includes e-mails targeting the recipient directly. Also, one should never send emails, or include attachments in emails, the contents of which may be considered unlawful, harmful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, indecent or profane.


As regards personal data privacy, one shall refer to the latest version of HKBU’s Code of Practice on the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.


One should take note that failure to observe any information resources usage, data protection principle and/or any contravention of a principle may lead to disciplinary actions or a legal offence.

In order to present a consistent image of the University, all outgoing external message sent via the University’s email system will have a standard U-wide email disclaimer embedded as follows:


This message (including any attachments) may contain confidential information intended for a specific individual and/or purpose. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message and notify the sender and the University immediately. Any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is prohibited as it may be unlawful.

In addition, the University specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through University E-mail Facilities. Any views and opinions expressed in the email(s) are those of the authors), and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the University. The University accepts no liability whatsoever for any losses or damages that may be incurred or caused to any party as a result of the use of such information.