[2025-01-27] Unlock Your Creativity with Adobe Express and Firefly Generative-AI (Staff & Student)
Communal IT services in HKBU are provided by the Office of Information Technology (ITO). The following videos will give a concise introduction to some important concepts and service offerings such as Single-Sign-On-ID (SSOid) for accessing all IT systems, HKBU Unified Portal (BUniPort), Email System (Microsoft 365), Campus Wi-Fi (BU-Standard and BU-Advanced), Student Printing Solution (Follow-U-Print) and eLearning System (Moodle).
BUhub is an interactive on-line platform for the HKBU community. It is designed to seamlessly connect students, alumni, employers, mentors and staff on one easy-to-use platform. BUhub also matches job seekers with new openings, supports coaching and helps foster new entrepreneurial ventures for all participants.
SLES serves as a common platform for staff and students to manage and record Co-curricular (including Co-curricular Learning (CCL) activities) and Extra-curricular activities, providing a full picture of HKBU students' learning experience beyond curriculum. You are able to enroll in CCL-recognized activities, view their CCL attendance record and fulfilment status in the System.
The plagiarism detection and prevention platform can compare submitted academic assignments against an extensive database of published and unpublished information, and provide a report on the degree of similarity between the assignment and the material in that database.